Assorted Designs Wulo Jade, Metal Wood Chimes evil eye keychains wi/ trio coins


There are many symbols of longevity; one of these is Wu Lou, which can bring a profusion of blessings into the home. This special bottle gourd has been an icon of longevity, good health, and prosperity for many centuries. The Wu Lou, also known as the calabash is an important tool used in enhancing the effects of Feng Shui. The traditional of the Wu Lou started in ancient China, when gourds served the purpose of carrying water on long embarkments. In addition to simply water, medicine was also stored in the gourds; this is where the image of it as a “symbol of health, vitality and immortality ” was derived The Wu Lou is also said to have the ability to absorb bad chi, for the reason that Taoist monks use the gourd to incarcerate evil spirits. According to Chinese mythology, monks and deities of the Taoist belief made use of the gourd, trapping evil presences inside to prevent them from causing misdemeanour. This is where the Wu Lou got the ideology of being able to absorb negative chi in your surrounding. .Jade is the most beloved gemstone of the Chinese. Recorded history has shown that this stone has been used as jewelry since 5000 years ago! It’s also known as the ‘stone of heaven’ or ‘noble stone’ and was held higher in value than gold in olden times. Jade was a symbol of rank, power and wealth for kings, emperors and noblemen. Confucius mentioned that jade contained and reflected human virtues like durability, purity, serenity and radiance. To many Chinese, jade has magical protective powers that keep the wearer from harm. Considered to be the ultimate Feng Shui crystal, jade charms are said to bring harmony, attract good luck and friendship and promotes self-sufficiency. It also increases nurturing and love that can be used to harmonize dysfunctional relationships. Mentally, jade helps discard negative thoughts and soothes the mind as well as stimulates ideas. Metal and wood properties in the chines fengshui also carries great significance and meaning. To attract good health energy, prevent any illness bringing energies, and deter bad chi from causing accidents, carry this feng shui health amulet with you at all times. A perfect gift for your close ones undergoing a medical treatment, is sick or in recovery. Together with these chimes, The evil eye of jealousy can be very toxic, and this Anti Evil Eye Amulet can be just the Feng Shui cure to offer protection from this animosity and negativity. Together with the anti-jealousy talisman, it offers a double layer of protection against envy or gossip. Jealousy or strong competition can cause people to go to great lengths to say or do harmful things to bring you down whenever possible and carrying this Feng Shui amulet provides a protection against it. Anyone can use this amulet but it is particularly beneficial for anyone who faces affliction from the #7 Betrayal/Loss Star or the #3 Hostile Star. It is also ideal for those involved in competitive or political arena.

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SKU: JadeMetal-EvilEye Categories: , , , ,

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Weight 0.062 kg



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